Full Form of SEO

SEO Full Form is Search Engine Optimization. If you have just started blogging you should have heard the term," SEO" or Search  Engine Optimization. In this article, I will tell you each and everything about SEO and how can you make tons of cash by doing proper SEO


What is Search Engine Optimization

As I told you SEO Full Form is Search Engine Optimization. It means that SEO is a factor which determines the amount of traffic a website is going to get. If done correctly, traffic will increase. In other words, it means to optimize website or blog in such a way that it displays in search results at a higher position thus receiving maximum organic traffic.

If you want to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) read this article completely to get in-depth knowledge about SEO. This article will help you to receive maximum organic traffic and thus earn lots of money.

SEO Full Form

Types of SEO

There are two types of Search Engine Optimization

  • On-Page: On-Page SEO done on a particular page of a website or blog. In such a way that it displayed at the top of the search engine and thus gains more traffic.

  • Off-Page: Off-Page SEO done by adding proper backlinks to our blog or website, sharing it on social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thus Off-Page should be done when you are pro at blogging. For a newbie at blogging certainly, On-Page is more important.
Since On-Page is more important for a newbie blogger, lets first learn how to do On-Page SEO and thus gain more and more organic traffic.

How To Do On Page SEO

To do proper On Page SEO, these important factors should be kept in mind before posting an article or blog. Because of these factors, the ranking goes up or down in search engines. Let look at these factors,

  • Page Title

  • Meta Description

  • Page Url

  • Keyword Placement

  • Keyword Density

  • Content-Length

  • Image Alt Text

  • Internal Links

  • External Links

  • Website Speed

Let Us Discuss Each Factor Step By Step

  • Page Title: To get to the top page of search engines we must ensure that the page title of the blog or article is SEO friendly. For that, the title should certainly be of sixty to seventy characters. And should certainly avoid Stop words in the title like, is, what, of, how, etc.

  • Meta Description: Meta Description is also a very important factor in generating organic traffic. It represents a short summary of your blog or article in search engines. The number of characters in Meta Description should be less than 160. And should use the main keyword certainly one time.

  • Page Url: Page Url should be as short as possible and should include the main Keyword. Because if Page Url is properly optimizing it pushes article or blog to the top page of search engines. And certainly Stop Words should not be used in Page Url.

  • Keyword Placement: Keyword Placement is the most important factor to attain the top position in search ranking and also to attain a lot of organic traffic. We should use keywords in Title, Page URL, First 200 words of the article or blog, and also in concluding paragraph of the article.

More Important Factors

  • Keyword Density: Keyword Density means the number of times we must use keywords in the article or blog. And to calculate keywords there is a simple method that keywords density should be of 1 to 2 percent of the content length.

  • Content-Length: Content-Length plays a big role in the ranking of the article in search engines. The more the content, the higher the chances of ranking in the search engines. Usually, the content length should be a minimum of 300 words.

  • Image Alt Text: Image Alt Text tells Google what the image is about. Because Google cannot read what is on the image. Hence the main keyword used in alt text in the image.

  • Internal Linking: Link all the articles of the blog to each other, this process is called Internal Linking. This process is most important for attaining a higher position in search engines.

  • External Linking: When we connect our article link to the External website, this process is called external linking. External Linking are of two types, one is Low-Quality external links which are bad for SEO and other is High-Quality external links which are best for attaining a higher position in search engines.

  • Website Speed: Website Speed also plays a very important factor in the ranking of the page in search engines. If the page speed is fast then the website will load quickly and thus more people will stay on the website. And certainly, if page speed is slow then the page will load slowly and more people will bounce to another website. Thus we should use a template that is responsive and fast in loading.


If you are serious about blogging and want to be pro at blogging in quick time, please follow these steps on SEO, It will certainly help you and you will attain more and more traffic. Once the traffic increases you will notice that your revenue will increase too.

This is the Full article on SEO, I hope you liked the article. Thank You for reading it, please share it with your friends on social media platforms. Below there are social media icons if you want to share certainly click on it.

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